John's Blog

Bread Delivery

One thing you can say about Mexico is many things are still done the old fashion way. This is a bread delivery boy in Alamos Mexico, and he delivers the bread to your door while it is still hot. I wish we had that service where I live!

Making Bread

It is fascinating to photograph in Mexico where so many things are done the old fashion way. On my last trip to Alamos, Sonora Mexico we took a short walk from the alameda into the barrio where we were invited in to a local bakery. It was dark, humid and everything was made by hand. The bread was cooked in a wood-fired oven and the finished goods delivered door to door by a young boy on a bike at 2:00pm, mas o menos.


I found this beautiful piñata in a resort in Sonora Mexico. Maybe I have led a sheltered life but I was taken by the craftsmanship and had really never seen one this nice. I liked the fact it was signed on the back by the collar too. I never got a chance to find out how much one of these costs or what they are stuffed with. If I go back I think I will have to buy one and there were many to choose from.


I have never been particularly religious but I must admit I have a thing for crosses. They both fascinate and scare me - perhaps that is why my cross images always seem to have a foreboding feel. I made this image in mexico, drawn to the symmetry and repeating pattern. The crosses mark the graves of three family members, the earliest dates back approximately 70 years.